Tramo Estación Fines-Olula - Arboleas

Net of Natural

Almanzora Valley Greenway. Section Fines-Olula Station - Arboleas


A wide range of wadis, tributaries of the Almanzora river, shape the landscape.

Following the course of the river Almanzora, this section of the Guadix-Almendricos Nature Trail Greenway, between the old Fines-Olula station and the town of Arboleas, is characterised by the presence of various wadis that shape the surroundings, sometimes tracing the curves of its meanders in the layout of this section. Along this route, the viaducts follow one after the other and you can appreciate the rich tradition of marble working in the surrounding regions, which coexist harmoniously with the aromatic citrus groves that give colour to the landscape.

Cicloturista en el Camino Natural Guadix – Almendricos

The start of this section is at the old Fines-Olula station, near the viaduct that crosses the A-349 road to Olula del Río, where an information board highlights the characteristics of the Nature Trail. This section begins at kilometre marker 36, continuing the numbering from the previous section at El Hijate. As was also the case in the previous stage, the route is particularly attractive for cycle touring enthusiasts, offering a route which is fun and enriching.

Shortly after the start, the route crosses the viaduct of the Rambla de La Tonta, a fully restored railway structure that crosses this watercourse, also known as the Rambla de Olula del Río, which rises in the Sierra de Las Estancias and flows a few metres from here into the river Almanzora. The wadi has a very marked seasonal character, remaining dry for most of the year.

Along the urban route that passes through the town of Fines, you can admire numerous marble sculptures, the result of the participation of international artists in sculpture symposiums organised by the Escuela de Mármol de Fines (Fines Marble School). All the while breathing in the railway aroma along this Railway Avenue that pays tribute to the disappeared mining train.

Travellers should also visit the town centre, with the church of Nuestra Señora del Rosario as the most outstanding monument, located next to the town hall and where the importance of marble as a municipal economic driver can still be felt, with the fountain built with this material located next to the church.

Restos del pasado ferroviario en la antigua estación de Fines – Olula

The adventurer bids farewell to Fines after passing the 39th kilometre marker. Metres further on, you will cross the Rambla del Palomar, a watercourse that starts at the Collado de las Brujas and flows into the Almanzora River shortly after the viaduct. Reaching kilometre point 40, it is necessary to cross a small flood zone, which usually has a shallow layer of water which is not difficult to cross. However, it is advisable to find out about the weather conditions where you will be travelling before you set off on any journey.

A new viaduct will help to cross the bed of the Rambla Honda de Ciscarico which, as on previous occasions, flows into the river Almanzora, very close to this site. At this point, extreme caution is recommended, as a road must be crossed to reach milestone 42. The Rambla de la Hojilla appears after another kilometre and, just before entering the town of Cantoria, advance 120 metres along a shared stretch after which you will cross the Rambla del Lentisco and see a roundabout where a beautiful winged female sculpture welcomes you to the town.

The route enters the town centre through streets where there used to be railway tracks, giving you the chance to leave the path and stroll through the streets to admire some of the town's treasures of architectural heritage such as the parish church of Nuestra Señora del Carmen, the palace of Almanzora or the hermitage of San Antón and San Cayetano, among others.

Panorámica de Cantoria

The path leads to the old Cantoria station, where the Caminos Naturales information board will show you the highlights of the stage. This railway complex, made up of different buildings, has stood the test of time adapting to the new needs of the town and giving these buildings a second life. A clear example of this is the old railway station, which now serves as the local police headquarters, the Justice of the Peace and the Civil Registry.

Leaving this beautiful town behind, you will come to the Cantoria tunnel, which is 84 m long and has artificial lighting, so it is easy to go through, although it is never a bad idea to carry a small torch. On the outcrop above the tunnel is the Valle de Cantoria Viewpoint, where you can enjoy a beautiful panoramic view of the town and the Almanzora River Valley.

The journey continues, reaching kilometre marker 47 and shortly afterwards the AL-7102 road at the Cantoria cemetery, where an old railway building recalls the history of this route. It is time to cross a new bridge, the viaduct over the Rambla de la Jata, which leads to Almanzora rest area, where you can rest as it is equipped with a variety of furniture and shade where you can refresh yourself and recover your strength.

The climatic conditions of the area offer great possibilities for the cultivation of all types of citrus fruits, which, with optimum use of the scarce water resources, are grateful for the many sunny days in the area, lending these fruits their excellent quality.

Antigua estación de Cantoria

The Albox tunnel, barely 38 m long, leads the traveller to a new rest area that precedes the town of Almanzora. Access to the village is via the old railway station, which today serves as a bar-restaurant, and its old warehouse, which is in a perfect condition. Next to this complex are the municipal sports facilities, consisting of a summer swimming pool and several multi-sports courts, which give the complex liveliness and activity levels comparable to that of its mining railway past.

On leaving the village, a small information board summarises the work that has been done on the old railway viaducts so that today they are in full splendour. Behind it, the large Rambla de Albox is crossed by a fully refurbished viaduct. This river has its source in the Sierra de las Estancias, collecting a large part of the waters of the Llanos de Chirivel, to flow into the river Almanzora a few metres from here.

Next, there is a new watercourse, the Hortichuela, before reaching kilometre marker 53, where the landscape is dominated by citrus groves that flood the senses with their characteristic colours and aromas. The Rambla Honda and the Rambla de los Llanos follow one after the other, each with its own viaduct, before reaching the first districts of the town of Arboleas. Cross Calle Carril along a small stretch of cycle lane laid with red asphalt before returning to the gravel road surface and cross Calle de La Vía.

Next to the kilometre marker 56 there is a large Nature Trail information board located in front of the old stop of Arboleas. All that remains is to complete the last few metres of this section of the Nature Trail Greenway Guadix-Almendricos which ends next to the old railway building located before crossing the AL-7104 road, at the northern end of the town of Arboleas.



MIDE (Method for the Information of Excursions)

(Calculated according to the MIDE criteria for an average excursionist with a light load)


Further information


Marble, a metamorphic rock derived from limestone crystallised under high pressures and temperatures, has a natural lustre that has made it attractive for construction and sculpture since ancient times. Throughout the Almanzora Valley there are numerous deposits and quarries, many of which are still being exploited today. Technological advances in its extraction and processing, and the quality of the final product, have turned this material into the economic engine of the region.

In the town of Fines is the Escuela del Mármol, a school of the National Reference Centre in the professional area of natural stone, where new generations are trained in this trade, so deeply rooted in the area. In addition, the streets of the town are adorned with numerous sculptures on display in the open air, the result of various international sculpture symposiums held in the town.






Take care at the numerous road and street crossings along the stage, mainly concentrated in the urban sections passing through the towns of Fines and Cantoria. You will pass through two short tunnels, which are not difficult (although it is advisable to carry a torch). Mention the existence of a signposted section with a risk of landslides and another crossing a flood zone.


- Find out about the technical aspects of the route and the weather on the day.

- Take care of the environment. Take care not to disturb animals or damage vegetation. Respect private areas.

- You must give priority to pedestrians and comply with general traffic rules.

- The environment in which you will be riding is open, free to move around and an area where many activities are carried out (sporting, forestry, livestock and agricultural activities).

- Always have an understanding, prudent, responsible and respectful attitude.

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